
Tibetan Seat/Gomden

(20 customer reviews)

$98.00 $89.00

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The Tibetan Seat, known sometimes as a Gomden, is a firm rectangular zafu developed by Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche, and used in Shambala Centers worldwide. We use our 100% cotton duck fabric shell over a firm and comfortable foam block. Our foam is easy on your behind, and firm enough to provide you with the support you need – we admit it, we think it’s just right!

This cushion has a comfy quilted top and carrying handle. The Tibetan Seat comes in four handsome color combinations – Black with Blue, Black with Burgundy, Black with Black.

It should be noted that this cushion does not replace our round or crescent shaped zafus. The Tibetan Seat is used differently. When sitting on it, the meditator’s feet and ankles touch the zabuton or carpeted floor, but the knees do not. This is particularly helpful for those who aren’t flexible enough to get their knees to the floor. The Seat serves as a relaxed platform for meditation, listening to talks, or studying at a low table.

The Tibetan Seat measures 16.5” wide, 12.5” deep, 6.5” high. The shell is removable and machine washable.

Sitting Tips

This meditation instruction video will get you started sitting in meditation comfortably and attentively. Please also see our sitting tips page for further detailed instruction

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