Category: Sitting Tips

What is the best time to meditate?

If you’re just starting your own meditation practice, creating a sustainable routine is very important. Meditation practice is just like going to the gym or studying a language: it is built on consistency. You’ll reap the greatest rewards from meditation when you are able to get into a rhythm of daily practice. To create a… Read more »

How to care for a zafu

Your zafu is not just a cushion. It is a symbol of your commitment. So, when we make a zafu, we take it seriously. We craft these cushions carefully, using durable materials that are meant to last. You should have confidence knowing that when you purchase a cushion from Still Sitting, you’re getting a premium… Read more »

What is a mudra?

Every detail of your meditation posture is intentional: from your knees, ankles and spine, to your chin, shoulders, and hands. When sitting correctly, your body should fall into a natural alignment, but what do you do with your hands? They shouldn’t just sit there, fidgeting. Instead, most meditation traditions suggest you adopt a  hand gesture,… Read more »

Beginner meditation poses

What comes to mind when you think of meditation? Perhaps someone with their legs twisted up like a pretzel? Don’t worry, meditation does not have to be, nor is it intended to be uncomfortable: it is about you and your body. The good news is that there are different positions you can use to suit… Read more »

The Best Meditation Products for Tall People

If you’re tall, the idea of folding your long legs up like a pretzel to sit on a meditation cushion probably sounds intimidating. So, we’ve put together a list of the best meditation products for tall people. From difficulty maintaining proper posture to discomfort due to inadequate joint support, tall people often encounter unique obstacles… Read more »

How to Start Meditating in the New Year

As we enter 2024, turning the page on another year, many will set resolutions for personal growth and well-being. Meditation can help with these goals, so here is no better time to begin your journey. Whether you’re interested in helping with stress, pursuing some mental clarity, or just looking for a bit of calm, meditation is… Read more »

New Year, New Meditation Practice

Post updated 1/22/20 Starting a New Meditation Practice The new year is a great time to start or restart a meditation practice. Starting anything new can sometimes feel daunting so we’ve put together a few very basic guidelines for starting a new meditation practice. I had a chat with Koshin Christopher Cain, one of the… Read more »

Slowing Down : Inspiration From the Sloth

September can be a very fast-paced month. Summer holidays are over. Our activities are back in full swing, and our days can quickly become crammed with back to back responsibilities. Slowing down, even a little, can be a wonderful way to bring a touch of presence to our busy schedules. We’re not suggesting hanging around… Read more »

The Sleepy Sit: Staying Awake While Meditating

Staying Awake While Meditating When we lived at the Mt Baldy Zen Center we began our day at 4 a.m. with a pucker-inducing dose of hot lemon tea, followed by almost an hour of chanting. Both tea and chanting helped keep everyone awake while meditating. Monks and nuns of all types get up before dawn… Read more »

Create Your Meditation Space

To sit still you need at minimum a couple of things: time and space. We recommend you take time for your meditation practice, and also that you think a little about the space. Do you have a dedicated meditation space? A little sanctuary you can retire to when you need it? How about a clear… Read more »